The Burmese cat is originally from southeast Asia. more precisely in Thailand.
The US Navy doctor Joseph Thompson is said to have taken an animal from Burma to California in 1933. Joseph Thompson brought a single Burmese cat with him. This cat was considered the mother of this breed of cats.
Next, the breeders decided to start a breed to blossom the species of Wong Mau, the breed’s primal cat. Over time, with the aim of avoiding inbreeding, breeders conducted crossbreeds with Siamese cats.

In 1936 the breed was recognized in the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA). This is how traditional American Burma came about. As a result, this breed of cats gained popularity in North America. To this day, the traditional American Burma are in America.

The various crosses that have been made since the 1930s resulted in the breed of Burmese cats splitting into two “sub-breeds”: the English and the new American.
On the English side, breeders are more interested in the colors of the Burma cat and are creating new ones: red, chocolate, lilac, etc.

The new American (Australia and New Zealand) breeders are working harder to change the morphology of the Burmese cat to make it more different from the Siamese and the Tonkanese.

In the 1960s, Burma found its way to Europe via Great Britain. Since 1970 it has also been bred in Germany. However, the breed standard in Europe differs significantly from that in the USA, Australia and New Zealand.
Differentiate between European and American Burmese!
American Burmese have a shorter head when viewed from the side, a very pronounced break at the base of the nose. Above all, the eyes are different, they are big and round and give the face a lovely expression.
Usually only the 4 basic colors, brown, blue, chocolate and lilac are recognized in the American Burma.
In European Burma, the head is longer. The eyes give the face a foreign expression.
The colors red / cream and all tortoiseshell colors are also recognized here.
What are the most pronounced differences between European and American Burma
Without a doubt, it’s the EYES! The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Do you see how they differ?

American Burmese eyes are large, rounded, wide, slightly surprised. It is these eyes that give the American Burmese such a touching, childlike expression of the snout
The eyes of the European Burmese are also large and wide apart, but the upper line of the eye is straight with a slight inclination to the nose, in an oriental way the lower line of the eye is rounded. The strict view from below is the highlight of the European Burmese!
2. Ears
American Burmese have medium-sized ears that are broad at the base, rounded at the ends, and quite a distance apart, but are slightly closer together and more vertical compared to European, usually smaller, ears.
European Burma have rather low-set ears, medium-sized and slightly sloping forward in profile. The ears are wide enough, i.e. The distance between the ears is much larger than that of the American Burmese, breeders call them “hung up”. The outer line of the ears continues the line of the cheeks

Take a close look at the head shape of the European and American Burmese

The muzzle of the American Burmese has a rounded shape, with rounded outlines of all parts and without flat surfaces, it is shorter and wider than the Europeans, full cheeks.
The European Burmese muzzle is shaped like a short blunt wedge with a slightly rounded upper part between the ears, broad cheekbones and jaws, and a strong chin. In general, the expression on her face in the east is mysterious.
American Burmese have 2 different breed lines within the breed: TRADITIONAL and MODERN. And despite the fact that traditional and modern Burmese are hired to the same standard, they have some differences that are sometimes only noticeable to professionals.

Modern American Burma have a doll-like expression of the snout. The stop (a noticeable transition from the forehead to the nose) is even more pronounced, and the muzzle is even shorter and wider than the others. The eyes are more convex, appear even bigger. This is the most extreme type of breed. And above all, the Burmese of traditional and modern lines almost never cross each other.
When comparing the European and American Burmese, we found several obvious differences:
We recommend that you do a small self-test test.
Try to find out what kind of Burmese photos are presented below: